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Category Archives: Nutrition
Tres – Weekend Roundup III
Here we are at the end of another week, or the beginning of another week depending on how you look at it. Either way, it is time to take a look back at some of the interesting blog posts that … Continue reading
Is It Safe, Essential, or Outright Dangerous?
I read a great blog post by Brittany Bullen titled 21 Seemingly Harmless Things That Will Destroy You, Your Marriage and Your Children. It is hilarious, so I highly recommend reading it for a good laugh. It got me thinking … Continue reading
What Is Matcha Green Tea Powder?
I had never heard of matcha green tea powder before so I was curious. What is matcha tea and what makes it different from other green teas? So I did some research. With most teas, green or otherwise, you only drink … Continue reading